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ExploreTeaching and Learning: Content Curriculum linked resources for teachers and students in an interactive and engaging format.
ExploreFree Online Courses, Lessons and Practice.
ExploreGreen Olympiad
IAPT NSE- Junior Science Olympiad, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Astronomy Olympiads
Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani With a view to encourage, popularize and inculcate scientific temper among the children of the country, NCERT organizes national level science exhibition every year where children showcase their talents in science and mathematics and their applications in different areas related with our everyday life.
Jigyasa, a student - scientist connect programme has been launched by the government in New Delhi.
National Children Science Congress
The INSPIRE Awards - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by DST.
12th Physics:- In 1959 Lyttleton and Bondi suggested that the expansion of the Universe could be explained if matter carried a net charge. Suppose that the Universe is made up of hydrogen atoms with a number density N, which is maintained a constant. Let the charge on the proton be: Q = -(1 + y)e where e is the electronic charge. (a) Find the critical value of y such that expansion may start. (b) Show that the velocity of expansion is proportional to the distance from the centre.